Life Beyond Loss, Lighten the Load, Welcome to the Woo-side
There are a number of ways I can help and support you on your Soul Journey.

For many years I have been the go-to person for help when a loved one is at the natural end of their life, whether that's through illness or old age. Wherever you find yourself in the cycle of life, the resources and services in Life Beyond Loss are there to help and support you or your loved ones.
Throughout my life I have been connected with Spirit and the Astral Realm, often sought out by people to explain the strange things happening to them, or teaching them how to connect with their own Spirit Guides. If this is something you feel called to explore, Welcome to the Woo-side has everything you need to know about how I can help you.
Life, gets pretty overwhelming and heavy at times doesn't it?
Most of the time though we bounce up and back into our lighter, more positive state.
However, if you've had constant, crippling overwhelm, and have been in what feels like a shark infested bucket with a teeny tiny hole at the top, and you're too exhausted to get out, I hear you.
I too have been in that dark place, and the thought of going there again scares me more than I like to admit, so much so that in Lighten the Load you'll find ways of working with me and resources to help you on the path to a lighter life.
Ancestral Healing
Jen makes it simple and easy to understand what Ancestral Healing is for you. She communicates clearly what is expected of you during your sessions. She helps you understand your role in healing your Ancestors. Jen is absolutely AMAZING!!! She has helped me clear some really old Ancestral wounds. I have been able to help heal not only my Ancestors that have passed on also my Mom and Aunt. I have seen many changes in them as I've been working with Jen. I highly recommend anyone who is ready to truly do Ancestral Healing to work with Jen. She has an incredible gift like no one else. She has helped me heal more than my Ancestors also myself. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, Ancestral Healing is based on energy and vibration so you could be on the moon and it would still work!
TMS - Utah, USA